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歡  “洗”  實驗室


Cleaning Module

  • Quarter cover G-301

    Quarter cover G-301

    Special net cover to prevent the utensils from washing away For TSXF-101

    Quarter cover G-301

  • Quarter basket TSXF-401

    Quarter basket TSXF-401

    Suitable for small glassware such as test tubes and colorimetric tubes Can be used together in the upper and lower layers and the semi-injection cleaning basket, with lid type Loadable capacity: ≥160

    Quarter basket TSXF-401

  • Full frame TSXF-204 half frame TXF-105

    Full frame TSXF-204 half frame TXF-105

    Suitable for cleaning small parts such as glassware or stainless steel Can be placed in the upper and lower layers and in the semi-injection cleaning basket

    Full frame TSXF-204 half frame TXF-105

  • Half net cover G-201

    Half net cover G-201

    Special net cover to prevent the utensils from washing away For TXF-101/TXF-102

    Half net cover G-201

  • Half basket TXF-203

    Half basket TXF-203

    Suitable for use in lower brackets or semi-injected single-layer baskets, which can be used to clean beakers, measuring cylinders, etc. Washable 21 (250ml) beakers for use with other utensils

    Half basket TXF-203

  • Full frame TXF-101

    Full frame TXF-101

    Optional for cleaning microbiology laboratory culture dishes Cleaning quantity: ≥56

    Full frame TXF-101

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